
29+ Weeks

Millie snapped some pictures of me in a shockingly fuschia dress, with ruffles no less!  Hey, very large pregnant women can't be choosers, you know.  (Already at the 38-pound mark!  The babe inside is happy to be so well protected, though.  The exuberant thumps give it away.)

Really, I can't imagine where Susie comes by her horrifying, unladylike faces.  For the life of me...


Rebecca said...

And look! There's the last one!


Titi said...

I just want to you to know that Deirdre and I were reading your blog at 10pm, because who believes in going to bed? and the only thing that made us laugh harder than this expression was the idea of playing piano "Bottom Thump" style!

Abigail said...

I exist to serve. And if you could only hear that piano-thumping! Ugh. It's almost unbearable, but he thinks he's a Big-Bottomed Beethoven. (Say that five times fast...)