
Bare Bones

I wrote the above post last Saturday morning, and before posting it, I thought I might as well catch up on the last three months of snapshots. You know what that means: A Monster Post.

John left this morning and won't be back until Sunday, so I'm not in bed. We're usually in bed before nine, and it's now after one o'clock on the morning. I've been on the computer for the last six hours loading pictures, eating candy, and writing silly words, which has reinforced three things.

 #1. Eating candy is dumb. Completely dumb.

#2. I take waaay too many pictures.


#3.  I really, really, really like my husband.

It might take you a month to slog through all these, but have at it!


Renata said...

#1 eating candy is never EVER dumb- especially if it includes chocolate!
#2 I always adore your pictures! You are very talented!
#3 I really, really like my husband and I always stay up too late when he's away!

I'm looking forward to stealing moments here and there to catch up! I love your monster posts!

Abigail said...

Thank you, Renata, for the encouragement about taking pictures, husband-less insomnia, CANDY (!), and these monster posts. I always feel a bit foolish compulsively posting snapshots I've taken months prior, but it only takes one comment like yours to convince me to do it again next time. :)

Rebecca said...

Boy do I understand the staying up late when the Mister is away...

I enjoyed the glut of pictures over a period of days and then told myself I would come back and comment when I had more time (one can only procrastinate so long when the day breaks and the children rise). But then the task seemed too daunting and time never allowed it so I figured ONE comment (or two) telling you how much I enjoyed your beautiful (as always) pictures and words would be more welcome than none.

Loved seeing the last few months of the Owen household in picture form. Even your fastest snaps to capture something funny are artistic and lovely to look at.

Abigail said...

Daunting? WHAT?!! How on earth could commenting on each and every one of half a million posts be daunting?

Lazy bones.