
Compliments of the Taxpayers, No Doubt

If you've visited here for any length of time, you know of the crazy, local reading program in which the girls are involved.  The prizes aren't lollipops or balloons or something sensible like, you know, the sheer JOY of reading.  No-sirreeee.  They get $25 gift cards to Barnes and Noble and trips to the local ballpark and, this year, a magical day at a local fun center.

Now, to anyone who's been to an amusement park, this is merely a somewhat dinky place with a roller-skating rink, a mini-golf green, a laser-tag room, and a water slide.  To my children, it was heaven.   This was their first time at a mini-golf place, their first time in a roller-skating rink, and their first time in a laser room.  Plus, they got free pizza and soda!  WOWSA!  (Yup.  I just said "wowsa."  The day deserves a "wowsa.")

They were too excited to sleep the night before, and it fulfulled all their imaginings, though, as they all later concluded, it would have been better to spend a lot less time in the mini-golf green and a lot more time on the water slide. 

Good thing we played mini-golf first thing.  They thought it was awesome until they experienced the other joys of this place.

They would have skated for hours if they could have.  The rink was dark with fluorescent glow lights, and it took some time for their eyes to adjust.  That's their excuse for all the falls, anyway.

Here's a picture of an unknown boy just because I thought it was funny that he would rather stand in front of the giant t.v. than skate.  (But, really, whose idea was it to put a giant screen in a roller rink?  Weird.)

We saved the best for last, but we ran out of time.  Only fifteen minutes to play remained by the time we made it to the water slide.  I guess it was for the best, though, because disconsolate Luci didn't find out she was too short to slide down until she had already climbed up all the steps.  I spent almost the entire fifteen minutes soothing her stung heart.



Renata said...

This looks like such a fun place! What a shame a out the slide not allowing Luci on. I wish our library did a reading program ( even without the rewards). Mind you I have no problem getting my bookworm kiddos to read!

Abigail said...

I know! I always think it's crazy that the girls are getting these plump rewards for doing what I have trouble getting them to STOP doing when I need their help around the house. There are worse problems to have, right? :)