
Freddy the Fishes

Freddy 1, who surprised me considerably by living an entire year from the time Josh's mom (Hi, Janis and/or Aunt Karen!) gave him to Millie, died while we were at the church retreat. Millie was understandably disconsolate, and I buried him under a backyard apple tree.

Enter Freddy 2.  Susannah sent some of her savings with John one morning, and he came home with her birthday present to Millie-- a beautiful betta fish whose fins (shhh-- don't tell Freddy 1) are even more beautiful.



Full of Grace said...

I used to have a betta when I was a girl that looked a lot like this :) My girls would love a fish for their room... Maybe that would be a good Easter gift for them to share :)

Abigail said...

I give that idea a thumbs-up! Our children have enjoyed both of the Freddies.